Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 55 {Angie}

It's that time of year again!
50mm Lens
F 2.0
SS 1/100
ISO 200

Day 54 {Angie}

Play date!

50mm Lens
F 5.6
SS 1/80
ISO 400

Day 53 {Angie}

Took some picture of Katie on the way into Target.

50mm Lens
F 5.6
SS 1/160
ISO 100

Day 52 {Angie}

Katie put on all her accessories to go see her cousins.
50mm Lens
F 3.5
SS 1/200
ISO 100

Day 51 {Angie}

The flowers are growing!

50mm Lens
F 5.6
SS 1/125
ISO 100

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 50 {Angie}

After we signed Katie up for kindergarten we stopped by a little park so the girls could play. As we were getting out of the truck Katie said "you can take pictures of us if you want to mom."
50mm Lens
F 3.5
SS 1/500
ISO 100

Day 49 {Angie}

Not the best picture, but we had an AWESOME speaker at MOPS last week so I had to share. His name is Mark Ludy and he is an author and illustrator of kids books. He stayed after to sign books for all of us MOPS Moms. I will have to take a picture of the one he signed for Charlotte, it is so cute! If you want to check out his books his website is:

Day 48 {Angie}

Katie has claimed my old pair of sunglasses as her own. They are huge on her but look very Jackie O!

50mm Lens
F 2.8
SS 1/160
ISO 200

Day 47 {Angie}

I guess Charlotte is sick of the Mamarazzi!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 37 {Tamera}

This probably really doesn't fall under Love, we Love the outdoors. We went up to a Cabin with some friends and well we only stayed one night. The people who used the Cabin prior to us didn't follow the rules and pipes were busted. So we had no heat, just the fire in the fireplace. I Love snow, but not the cold (especially when you can see your breath and your inside)!

18-70mm Lens @ 70mm
F 9.0
SS 1/125
ISO 200

Day 36 {Tamera}

Here is a collage a friend made me. I can't believe I am posting a picture of this!

50mm Lens
F 2.5
SS 1/100
ISO 200

Day 35 {Tamera}

A little Love sent to us from Loveland!! :)

50mm Lens
F 3.2
SS 1/250
ISO 200

Day 34 {Tamera}

We decided to have a fire in our fire pit and played a little. You may see more of this kind of play in the future!!

18-70mm Lens @ 40mm
F 8.0
SS 10 sec
ISO 200

Day 33 {Tamera}

Zane made me this heart with some left over wire he had many years ago! :)

50mm Lens
F 1.8
SS 1/125
ISO 200

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 46 {Angie}

Spring is just around the corner.... right? Got these cute little flower starter kits at the dollar section of Target for the girls. We'll see if we can actually grow some flowers!

50mm Lens
F 3.5
SS 1/160
ISO 100

Day 45 {Angie}

Last day of the LOVE theme! YEAH!

50mm Lens
F 1.8
SS 1/50
ISO 1600

Day 44 {Angie}

Thank goodness this month is over! I was REALLY running out of ideas. Here are some socks my secret sister got me.

18-55mm Lens
F 5.6
SS 1/50
ISO 400

Day 43 {Angie}

Don't know what k-bobs have to do with love, but I did take the picture on a date night with my husband.

50mm Lens
F 1.8
SS 1/100
ISO 1600

Day 42 {Angie}

Charlotte LOVES hats. She wears them around the house all day long. Aunt Jeana bought her this beautiful new purple one.

50mm Lens
F 2.8
SS 1/100
ISO 400

Day 41 {Angie}

Who doesn't love pink bubblegum? Especially in a cute little mini gumball machine? My neighbor had a little ladies lunch and bought these cute little guys for all the little girls that attended.

50mm Lens
F 2.8
SS 1/160
ISO 100

Day 40 {Angie}

What can I say, I love a boy in a camo baseball hat!

50mm Lens
F 2.8
SS 1/80
ISO 100

Day 39 {Angie}

I love cheese! That's why I put some under and on top of the mash potatoes on my shepherds pie!

50mm Lens
F 4.8
SS 1/100
ISO 100

Day 38 {Angie}

Who doesn't love licking the whisk, especially when it's chocolate.
50mm Lens
F 1.8
SS 1/40
ISO 100

Day 37 {Angie}

My attempt at heart pancakes.
50mm Lens
F 1.8
SS 1/15
ISO 100

Day 36 {Angie}

Probably should have washed her face before I took the picture, or brushed her hair. Oh well still pretty cute!

50mm Lens
F 2.8
SS 1/80
ISO 200

Day 35 {Angie}

This is the adorable Valentine that Hannah sent my Mom! She sent Katie and Charlotte each one too. So cute, gotta love glitter!
50mm Lens
F 2.8
SS 1/60
ISO 100

Day 34 {Angie}

Yes, I'm running out of ideas for our love theme. This just a gift bag I got from my secret sister, but I liked the reflection of the hearts on the table.

50mm Lens
F 1.8
SS 0.5 Sec
ISO 100

Day 33 {Angie}

Oh boy, I have a lot of catching up to do! This 365 thing is harder than you would think!
Here is Charlotte with a Valentine she got from my Aunt Dude.

50mm Lens
F 3.5
SS 1/640
ISO 100